Some dried grass in front of some trees

Barking and Dagenham Local Plan 2037 adopted: A roadmap for sustainable growth

LUC is delighted that the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (LBBD) formally adopted their Local Plan on 18 September 2024.

The Plan outlines LBBD’s vision for the Borough’s development until 2037. It focuses on growth while prioritising sustainability, prosperity, wellbeing, and inclusivity.

A train station with passengers on the platform

LUC’s extensive and instrumental input into the Plan first started in 2019 when Be First, LBBD’s regeneration body, enlisted our support for Local Plan management and policy advice.

We helped shape a comprehensive strategy to support LBBD’s ambitious regeneration goals. The plan will guide the development of:

- 40,000 new high-quality homes, with access to health and education services.

- 20,000 jobs to strengthen London’s economy and create a local economic hub.

- 85 hectares of new parks and green spaces.

- Energy-efficient homes and a decarbonised energy system.

- Seven distinct neighbourhoods that connect people and businesses to growth opportunities.

A bird in some bushes

Project Director Melissa Kurihara led teams that reviewed the emerging Local Plan and its supporting evidence and provided tailor-made support. LUC played a key role in overseeing all the workstreams involved in the Local Plan process, including drafting planning policies and supporting documents, engaging with stakeholders, commissioning consultants to produce documents such as the viability report and transport modelling, and providing training sessions and support to senior management.

We produced key housing evidence like the Strategic Land Availability Assessment and contributed to other supporting documents like the Sustainability Appraisal, Infrastructure Delivery Plan, and Transport Impact Assessment.

Our teams collaborated to develop tailored mini visions for seven sub-areas, aligning them with LBBD’s growth strategy. These visions were supported by clear planning policies for housing, jobs, green spaces, and community infrastructure.

As part of our work, we engaged with statutory consultees like the Environment Agency, Natural England, Historic England, and Transport for London. We also provided GIS support and visual diagrams for placemaking.

LUC supported LBBD through the challenges of the pandemic. We created and managed an online hub to ensure communication and engagement continued despite the restrictions in place at the time, ensuring the plan could still progress.

Our multi-disciplinary teams were responsive and adaptable, and able to provide additional support from start to finish of the project. By placing high-quality housing, employment opportunities, green spaces, sustainability, and energy decarbonisation at the forefront of the Plan, LBBD can begin building vibrant and connected communities for all.

A graphic of some trees

‘I am delighted that the LBBD’s Local Plan has been adopted. The Plan is the culmination of fantastic teamwork and sets a bold, ambitious agenda for the Borough. We are excited to see the Plan deliver its outcomes and are proud to have played a part in helping set the firm foundations for a bright future.’

Melissa Kurihara
Associate Director of Planning - LUC

‘ LUC – our core Local Plan consultants – were instrumental in evidence gathering, helping us to formulate policy, including the production of site allocation and policy maps as well as supporting the consultation process. Melissa’s team was totally committed to the project. They were always flexible and responsive to tight deadlines and last-minute requests for information, especially around the Examination and dealing with all the gritty details involved with modification work, so the Plan was sound for adoption.'

Tim Thomas
Head of Transport, Infrastructure and Policy Planning - Be First

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