A large tree with yellow daffodils at its base stands in a grassy field in front of a row of brick houses. A hill is visible in the background. The sky is cloudy but bright.

LUC appointed to prepare design code for Westmorland and Furness Council

LUC is delighted to announce its appointment by Westmorland and Furness Council to prepare a new design code for the planning authority area.

This project follows LUC's successful work on the Lake District National Park Design Code, the first of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) Design Code Pathfinders to be adopted in England.

The Lake District code sets a strong precedent for how design codes can be used to guide development in sensitive and beautiful locations.

Charming English village scene with stone cottages, blooming daffodils, and a grassy hillside under a cloudy sky.

LUC will work collaboratively with Mcmullan Studio, known for its expertise in contemporary design, and Placed, specialists in public engagement, to deliver the Westmorland and Furness Design Code.

The new design code will provide clear and user-friendly guidance for everyone involved in the planning process, from developers and architects to local communities and council planning officers.

It will set out the design principles that will ensure new development respects the unique and varied character of Westmorland and Furness, while also promoting sustainability and biodiversity.

A crowd of people gather beneath a statue in a town centre car park

LUC will use its extensive experience in planning, landscape design, and heritage management to create a design code for new development that is both beautiful and functional.

The project will involve a comprehensive engagement process to ensure that the design code reflects the views of local people.

Scenic Welsh countryside village with traditional brick houses, green fields, and a prominent hill under a blue sky with wispy clouds

“We are excited to be working with Westmorland and Furness Council on this important project,” says Owen Barton, Associate Historic Environment Consultant at LUC.

“The Lake District Design Code has been in use for over six months now, and is already showing how design codes can shape places in a positive way.

"We look forward to building on this success and creating a code that will be a valuable and well-used asset for Westmorland and Furness for many years to come.”

The project is expected to be completed in 2025.

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