LUC appointed to Forestry England National Planning Support Framework

Forestry England has appointed LUC to its National Planning Support Framework. This provides a further opportunity for LUC to help address the climate change and biodiversity crises, while also supporting the provision of green infrastructure across the country.

Group of people walking in forest

LUC is already providing planning consultancy services to Forestry England relating to:

  • a new multi-purpose woodland and associated recreation facilities on a 119-hectare site near Maidstone, Kent. Now known as Pleasant Forest, Forestry England planted the first 70,000 trees earlier this year.
  • a 100-hectare community woodland at Hole Farm, in Brentwood. This follows LUC’s scoping study undertaken for National Highways to identify suitable locations for new forestry and woodland sites close to the route of the proposed Lower Thames Crossing, to be delivered as part of a package of wider environmental enhancement and carbon sequestration measures. The scheme will include planting 150,000-200,000 trees, the creation of new ponds and habitat features, a new access road and visitor facilities.
  • new parking areas at Bedgebury Arboretum in Kent.

We look forward to continuing working with Forestry England.

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