LUC celebrates GIS Day with 2024 Mapathon success
On Wednesday 20 November, LUC celebrated GIS Day by hosting our annual Mapathon, marking nearly a decade of support for the Missing Maps initiative.
This year, our efforts focused on the Mozambique Building Mapping project in Alto Molocue Province, an area frequently affected by severe cyclones and flooding.
By improving local maps, we aimed to support humanitarian aid efforts, providing critical data for local institutions and organisations working in the region.

The event was a resounding success, with meeting rooms across all our offices filled with enthusiastic participants, and many others joining online. Volunteers traced satellite images into OpenStreetMap, creating invaluable resources for disaster response and risk reduction in Mozambique.
The collaborative spirit of the event was inspiring and our volunteers worked tirelessly to achieve an impressive outcome.
“It was fantastic to see so many colleagues come together to make a real difference,” said Callum, one of the event organisers. “The dedication and enthusiasm from everyone were truly inspiring.”
We look forward to seeing the positive impact of our contributions in Mozambique.