Golden wheat field with a distant city skyline in the background

Green Belt Map

Use our interactive Green Belt map to see where the Green Belt is located in England, and some of its key strategic assets and sensitivities. 

LUC is a leading expert in Green Belt planning for local authorities, developers and communities, having assessed over a third of all Green Belt land in England over the past 15 years.  

This helpful map illustrates the current extent of England’s Green Belt land across the country, and the Green Belt areas where we have first-hand experience.  

How to use the Green Belt map

  • Use your mouse to click and pan around the map or scroll to zoom in and out. 
  • Click on an individual local authority area to see its name and what proportion of its area is designated as Green Belt. 
  • Click on the magnifying glass button in the top-right corner to search for the area that interests you. 
  • Use the layer list on the left to turn on and off layers of interest and view the legend. Click on the legend icon next to layers that are turned on to view their legend. Our list contains a range of datasets of relevance to Green Belt planning, covering accessibility, ecology, the historic environment, hydrology and landscape. 
  • Click on the basemap gallery button in the top-left corner to select a different basemap. 
  • Click on the full screen button in the bottom-right corner to open the map in full screen. 

If you have any issues accessing the above map, please contact us at:

Green Belt services 

LUC’s Green Belt services include: 

  • Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land (MOL) performance and impact assessments (for sites, Districts/Boroughs or sub-regions). 
  • ‘Exceptional circumstances’ cases for altering and defining Green Belt/MOL boundaries. 
  • ‘Very special circumstances’ for developing in the Green Belt. 
  • Defining and making the case for new Green Belts/MOL and settlement gaps. 
  • Writing Green Belt, MOL and settlement gap planning policies. 
  • Critical friend support. 

For more information, contact

Learn more about local plan evidence

Map layer copyrights

Find out more about the data included within the map by clicking on the links below. 

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2023: 

© Sustrans copyright 2024. Open Government Licence v.3.0: 

© Natural England copyright 2024. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024: 

© Historic England copyright 2024. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024: 

© Environment Agency copyright 2023. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024: 

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database right 2024: 

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