Historic characterisation of Ramsgate report published by Historic England
Historic England has published LUC’s report “Historic Characterisation of Ramsgate”.
The report supports the work of the Ramsgate Heritage Action Zone (HAZ). The HAZ programme is an initiative in which Historic England works together with local partners in places with a rich and characterful historic environment to use this as a catalyst for building economic growth and regeneration.
The aim of this project was to assess and map patterns of historic character across Ramsgate and its adjacent seascape, understand its significance and provide guidance on threats and opportunities.
Methods used draw upon historic landscape and urban characterisation approaches, as well as the National Historic Seascape Characterisation methodology. We collected information from a range of sources such as GIS data, Historic Environment Record data, aerial imagery, historic maps and charts, published sources and field investigation. This source information informs the assessment and mapping in GIS of areas of shared historic character, known as ‘Character Types’. Each Character Type is supported by a summary text which introduces the Type, and an account of the historic processed that have influenced it. This provides a comprehensive spatial dataset, accompanied by detailed accounts of character and significance, that can be used to inform decisions on the use and development of land across the project area.
Drawing on this wealth of information, an overall narrative has been developed based on the time-depth in Ramsgate’s present historic character discussing the processes that have shaped present-day Ramsgate. It shows how the present place is unique and distinctive because of the varied mix of choices and hopes, pressures and contexts, of the area’s previous communities.
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