Consultation begins for LUC’s Lake District Design Code

A new design code for the Lake District has gone out to public consultation this week.

Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA) appointed LUC to produce the Design Code they will adopt as a Supplementary Planning Document.

The design code covers the entire National Park and World Heritage Site. It will guide decision-making on planning applications for new houses, house extensions, conversions to houses, and shopfronts.

LDNPA requires a design code that considers local distinctiveness while helping planning proposals of all sizes contribute to the Lake District ‘big picture’ priorities:

  • biodiversity net gain,
  • lowering carbon footprints,
  • responding to climate change.

LUC prepared the code as a highly-visual online document to appeal to ‘time-poor’ users (applicants, planning officers, consultees) of all levels of expertise.

LUC project-managed the design code preparation, bringing together expertise from its planning, landscape design, ecology, historic environment, carbon management and geospatial specialists in producing the draft. We also engaged John Coward Architects of Cartmel as a sub-consultant focusing on local building design.

The Lake District is one of 25 areas the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities is funding as Design Code Pathfinders.  This project is the first of the Pathfinders to reach this stage: a draft design code out for public consultation with a fully online design code.

Complete the survey on the Design Code webpage to provide feedback on the draft Design Code.

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