Summer Newsletter 2021

LUC Summer Newsletter 2021

A (very) warm welcome to this edition of the LUC newsletter, focussing on open space and recreation.

After 16 months of lockdown restrictions, we are finally emerging into a world where parks, open spaces and active transport have acquired increased importance, especially for the 85% of UK residents who live in urban areas.

Planning, designing and protecting green spaces for the benefit of all our communities has been at the core of our work from the earliest days of LUC. This has resulted in a rich legacy of projects from the world-class Eden Project in Cornwall to the Claypits project in Glasgow, which was completed this year.

We look forward to seeing you in person following our proposed return to studio working in the autumn. In the meantime, I hope that you enjoy a great summer.

Explore the newsletter below (or click here) to read our seasonal news snippets.

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