Group of people with school children cutting a ribbon

LUC's Andrew Joynt guides unveiling of Shepperton Studios Walk

On 22 September, Shepperton Studios officially opened Studios Walk, formerly known as the River Ash Corridor.

Andrew Joynt, Director of Landscape Architecture at LUC, gave an exclusive tour of the recreation and biodiversity enhancements we delivered in partnership with Spelthorne Borough Council.

The Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng, MP for Spelthorne, Andrew M Smith OBE DL, Corporate Affairs Director Pinewood Group, local councillors, and local children from Littleton C of E Infant School attended the unveiling ceremony.

Person talking to group of children in front of information board
Andrew Joynt delivering a walking tour of Studios Walk

The circa £1 million investment by Shepperton Studios significantly improves the amenity value for the public, whilst maximising the wildlife and biodiversity potential of the site.

LUC's design expanded pathways, installed benches, and added Sherwood Bridge – a new pedestrian bridge that creates a 1.75km looped walk.

New wildlife refuge areas and bird and bat boxes protect sensitive native vegetation and wildlife from disturbance.

With LUC's expert guidance at the heart of this transformation, Shepperton Studios has reinforced its dedication to environmental stewardship, community well-being, and the preservation of natural beauty, creating an oasis for all to enjoy.

Landscape masterplan
Studios Walk landscape masterplan

“We are extremely pleased to have delivered the biodiversity enhancements of the River Ash corridor ahead of schedule. We hope the rejuvenation of this valuable resource will be enjoyed by our neighbours and the local community of Spelthorne for years to come.”

Andrew M Smith OBE DL
Corporate Affairs Director, Pinewood Group

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