Tall metal electricity pylons stretch across a green field landscape under a clear blue sky.

Rebecca Knight appointed Chair of National Grid Landscape Enhancement Initiative Panel

Rebecca Knight has been appointed the new Chair for the National Grid Landscape Enhancement Initiative (LEI) Panel.

The Panel includes representatives from Cadw, Historic England, Natural Resources Wales and Natural England and is independently chaired.

In this role, Rebecca represents the Landscape Institute.

person in front of white brick wall
Rebecca Knight | Director, Landscape Planning at LUC

The LEI is a grant scheme, available to eligible National Landscapes (formerly Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty) and National Parks in England and Wales, for landscape enhancement and visual improvement projects in areas affected by existing transmission lines. 

Examples of funded projects

Rebecca will also represent the LEI Panel on the Visual Impact Provision Stakeholder Advisory Group.

This group, chaired by leading environmentalist Chris Baines, comprises senior representatives from organisations dedicated to conserving and enhancing the landscape throughout England and Wales and guides key decisions on National Grid’s Visual Impact Provision project.

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