Taunton Deane Green Infrastructure Strategy

LUC updates Taunton Deane Green Infrastructure Strategy

Taunton Deane Borough Council has published its Green Infrastructure Strategy Update, produced by LUC. The Green Infrastructure (GI) Strategy updates the strategy we produced in 2009.

Our update reviewed the evidence base and identified current priority projects for delivering a range of benefits, including landscape, active transport and connections to the countryside, biodiversity, water resources, cultural heritage, health and wellbeing, recreation and play.


LUC’s GIS team presented the data in a series of maps to provide a clear picture of our findings. The Strategy will be used to inform the wider Taunton Garden Town Plan and the provision of GI relating to allocated sites surrounding the towns of Taunton and Wellington over the next three to five years.

For more information on our work with Taunton Deane Green Infrastructure, visit our website.

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