a field of purple flowers on a hill with a lighthouse in the background

Cornwall State of the AONB Monitoring Report and Interactive Atlas

Facilitating a continuation of landscape change analysis for the AONB
Cornwall, England
Cornwall National Landscape Team (formerly the Cornwall AONB Unit)
  • Landscape Institute Awards 2022 Finalist

Supporting the National Landscape Management Plan

The Cornwall Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Unit commissioned LUC to produce the State of the AONB Report 2021.

The report provides evidence-based information, capturing state and trends to inform recommendations for the AONB's new five-year management plan.

Top image: Thrift covered cliffs at Godrevy © Mary Poad

a building on a cliff by the ocean
Wheal Coates Mine, St Agnes © Andrew Hocking
a cow with horns standing in a field
Highland Cattle, Bodmin Moor © Paul Hockaday

Landscape monitoring and data analysis

LUC's landscape specialists conducted comprehensive landscape monitoring across 27 indicators, continuing to showcase the wealth of information and data relating to the protected landscape.

The project provides an understanding of the forces for change acting upon the landscape and continues to set a baseline to easily monitor change every five years.

a brick tower and ruins under a starry sky
Levant Mine © Duncan Scobie
a rocky cliff with buildings on it
Crown Houses, Botallack © James Reed

Making landscape monitoring accessible

The project's impact goes beyond informing the AONB’s management plan.

The Cornwall AONB Atlas, an interactive map tool developed alongside the report, makes the data accessible to the public,  engaging a varied audience including local communities and decision-makers.

The Atlas demonstrates how the skills of landscape professionals and digital designers can be dovetailed to communicate landscape issues and inform local landscape planning.

View the Atlas
green hills and blue water
Pentire Head © Sue Rowlands
a person walking on a rocky hill
Bodmin Moor © Julie Taylor

Informing future National Landscape management

The State of the AONB Report 2021 provides the Cornwall AONB Unit with a robust evidence base to inform future management decisions.

By understanding landscape change, the AONB Unit can prioritise actions to protect and enhance the National Landscape.

“Cornwall AONB and LUC worked collaboratively to deliver the project, this joint approach created an opportunity to review and develop new monitoring indicators that address Nature Recovery and Climate Change, key priorities for the AONB. The project was delivered to a very high standard and included a presentation to our protected landscape partnership and the National Association for AONBs CEO which received excellent feedback.”

Cornwall AONB Unit

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