Herdmanflat Hospital Redevelopment
Balancing ecology and community
LUC is supporting the regeneration of the former Herdmanflat Hospital site in Haddington, East Lothian.
East Lothian Council is redeveloping the site to provide high-quality housing for its ageing population, while also creating an inclusive and accessible green space.
Protecting biodiversity
Our ecological and landscape design expertise is helping to achieve a successful balance between nature and new homes.
We conducted bat surveys to inform mitigation strategies and ensure the protection of bat roosts during construction.

Landscape-led masterplan
LUC is preparing the landscape masterplan, working closely with project architects, Oberlanders, to deliver whole-life housing that meets an exemplar standard for low carbon and sustainability.
Central to our emerging proposals is the sensitive integration of built development within a mature landscape site.
Access and integration to quality greenspace is also a key consideration, providing positive health and well-being benefits.

Bat surveys pave the way for sustainable development
LUC conducted Phase 1 habitat surveys and bat surveys to identify potential ecological constraints on the development.
The bat surveys, conducted in 2021, identified several small, non-breeding summer bat roosts.
To enable development to proceed while complying with wildlife legislation, LUC successfully applied for protected species licences on behalf of East Lothian Council.
Pre-works surveys ensure bat roosts are empty
As a condition of the licences, LUC undertook bat activity surveys in January 2022 to determine if bats were still present in the roosts before any works could begin.
Thankfully, no bats were observed emerging from or re-entering any of the buildings during the surveys.

Ecological and landscape expertise
LUC’s ecological and landscape design expertise is helping East Lothian Council to achieve its regeneration goals for Herdmanflat Hospital.
By safeguarding bat populations and creating high-quality green spaces, we are supporting the creation of a sustainable and thriving community.