a field with purple flowers and trees

Kirkton Farm to Killin Path Comprehensive Feasibility Study

Connecting communities in Scotland sustainably
Strathfillan, Scotland
Strathfillan Community Development Trust

Unlocking active travel in Scotland

Strathfillan Community Development Trust commissioned LUC to develop a feasibility study for a new walking and cycling path between Tyndrum, Crianlarich and Killin in Scotland.

The project aims to promote active travel, improve connectivity between communities, and enhance the natural environment.

Enhancing accessibility and nature

The new path will provide a safe and accessible route for walkers and cyclists, encouraging healthier lifestyles and reducing reliance on cars.

Additionally, the project prioritises minimal ecological impact, ensuring a balance between development and environmental protection.

Route Options Appraisal

LUC undertook a comprehensive route options appraisal, considering six potential alignments. This service included desk-based and on-site studies to assess factors like physical constraints, community needs, and potential ecological impacts.

Through detailed analysis and public consultation, LUC identified the most suitable route that balanced these considerations.

a house with a red roof under a bridge
a street with houses and a snowy mountain in the background

Ecological impact assessment

A crucial aspect of the project was minimising ecological disruption. LUC conducted an ecological appraisal for each route option, identifying potential impacts on designated sites, protected habitats, and species.

This assessment informed the selection of the preferred route with the lowest ecological impact, while also highlighting mitigation measures to further reduce environmental effects.

Cost estimation and phasing

To support informed decision-making, LUC prepared high-level cost estimates for the chosen preferred route.

Additionally, the project was divided into achievable phases that provide benefit when delivered in isolation.  This allowed for a phased and resilient construction approach that considers budgetary constraints and community needs.

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