Landscape Enhancement Initiative
Partnering for visual enhancement
LUC undertakes the role of Landscape Advisors for National Grid’s Landscape Enhancement Initiative (LEI) grant scheme which forms part of their Visual Impact Provision (VIP) project.
This grant scheme funds local projects that visually improve or enhance the quality of landscapes affected by National Grid’s existing electricity transmission infrastructure in National Parks and National Landscapes (Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)) across England and Wales.

Nature, beauty and community
LEI grants have funded a variety of projects that benefit both people and wildlife.
These include planting trees and creating woodlands, restoring traditional features like dry stone walls, and improving trails for better public access.
The initiative helps to ensure that essential infrastructure co-exists as harmoniously as possible with these protected landscapes.
LUC's role as expert assessors
LUC's experience in Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIAs) was key to our appointment as assessors for LEI.
LUC was first commissioned in 2014, alongside Gillespies and Professor Carys Swanwick, to undertake a systematic comparative assessment of existing overhead lines in National Landscapes (AONBs) and National Parks in England and Wales as part of the VIP project. Twelve sections of line were identified as having the most significant landscape and visual impact on these landscapes. The project received a 2015 National Landscape Institute Award in the Landscape Policy and Research category.

National Grid’s VIP project has since progressed to consider the removal of infrastructure to mitigate the impact of several sections of overhead lines in England and Wales. These VIP projects are large-scale infrastructure projects such as replacing pylons with underground cables. LUC was directly involved in the now-completed Dorset VIP and North Wessex Downs VIP projects and is currently working on the Cotswolds VIP project. The LEI is an important part of the VIP project its ambition is to fund landscape-scale visual improvement projects in the vicinity of existing overhead lines.
Since 2015, LUC has been integral to the delivery of LEI, providing the role of Landscape Advisors for the scheme. This is a collaborative role, working with the grant team, engaging with National Parks and National Landscapes (AONBs), providing advice on applications, and evaluating proposals to ensure they deliver the greatest visual and environmental benefit.

Sustainable enhancements
The LEI scheme funds projects that visually mitigate the impact or enhance the quality of the landscape within the vicinity of National Grid’s electricity infrastructure. LUC's role includes assessing how proposed projects will integrate with the existing landscape character, protect or enhance biodiversity and historic features, and the practical viability of projects, alongside the social and economic benefits they provide.
This ensures that funded initiatives, such as habitat creation or restoration, complement the character of the landscape and provide long-term benefits for both people and wildlife.