Countryside with wind turbines

Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Environmental Clerk of Works (ECoW) Support

Minimising the environmental impacts of construction
East Lothian near Dunbar, Scotland
Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Limited

Mitigating the impact of renewable energy

Neart na Gaoithe Offshore Wind commissioned LUC to provide auditing Environmental Clerk of Works (ECoW) support for the construction of the onshore components of the offshore wind farm.

The wind farm will have 54 turbines and provide renewable power for around 375,000 homes.

Minimising environmental impacts

The client appointed our experienced and qualified ECoW services to minimise environmental impacts during the construction phase of the development.

Our ECoW was present during the appropriate stages of the construction phase of the development.

They monitored compliance with the mitigation measures within the Environmental Statement and the condition of the planning consent.

Countryside with turbines

Environmental Clerk of Works

LUC’s ECoW advised and supported the construction contractor to manage environmental risk during construction. 

They also helped them to achieve compliance with the EIA schedule of mitigation, the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), the Protected Species Management Plan, and the Habitat Resources Management Plan.

Ensuring environmental and ecological safety

Our ECoW produced monthly reports advising on matters relating to COSHH, ecology, lighting, litter, waste, materials storage, pollution prevention, and agricultural safety.

Our reports provided advice and guidance that allowed the contractors to achieve environmental compliance. 

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