An artistic vision of streets with plants and trees

Roscommon Public Realm Enhancements

Reimagining a more sustainable, people-friendly town
County Roscommon, Ireland
Roscommon County Council

Public realm improvements

Roscommon County Council appointed LUC to provide public realm and landscape design services for a significant project in Roscommon Town Centre, Ireland.

The project is part of a broader vision to reimagine Roscommon Town as a more compact, connected, walkable, sustainable, and people-friendly place for people to live, work and visit.

Investing in the community and regenerating the town

Our public realm enhancement proposals involve the creation of new civic spaces within the town centre to improve the pedestrian experience and support economic prosperity.

The proposals include an integrated cycling network, street enhancement, a new urban park, and rationalisation of town centre car parking.

Urban street planting, enhancement of green infrastructure, and new recreational facilities will encourage and enhance town centre living.

graphic of people walking around a grass-lined pavement

Evolving placemaking and sustainability

LUC is leading on the preliminary and detailed design of the public realm enhancements as well as preparing SEA and AA Screening reports.

The project aims to reconnect Roscommon’s historic townscape to more peripheral parts of the town and re-establish traditional outdoor functions for its streets and civic spaces.

It also offers the opportunity to create a vibrant, socially inclusive, functional and yet adaptable, high-quality public realm for the town centre.

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