Water-based landscape

Runnymede Climate Change Study

Helping councils take informed action on climate change
Surrey, England
Runnymede Borough Council

Strategic research

Runnymede Borough Council commissioned LUC to undertake a Climate Change Study. The study provides evidence for the council’s new climate change action plan and its upcoming local plan.

It advises the Council on appropriate policies for mitigating the effects of climate change and adapting to its impacts.

Rolling fields

Planning for climate adaption

LUC advised Runnymede on where renewable energy technologies would best be located within the Borough and how new developments could reduce their carbon footprint.

Improved planning policies for Runnymede will help guide flood impact reduction efforts, overheating management, water management, and the development of green infrastructure.

The study will help shape new development to contribute positively to local climate change mitigation and adaptation.

It will also help the council identify those groups most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

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