Tubbercurry Town Centre First Plan
Forging Tubbercurry’s transformation
Under LUC’s direction, a diverse team collaborated to shape the development vision for Tubbercurry. Tubbercurry was one of 26 towns selected to develop a Town Centre First Plan as part of the Irish government’s Town Centre First policy which aims to regenerate and revitalise Irish towns and villages.
The ultimate objective was to create a blueprint for a more attractive, functional, and economically viable town centre that would benefit residents, businesses, and visitors alike.

Creating a thriving community
The vision fosters sustainable development and community vibrancy by improving public spaces, revitalising shop fronts, and repurposing derelict properties and land.
The community was empowered to create a Tubbercurry Town Team featuring representation from local community groups, sports groups, businesses and Elected Members.
Residents shape their town’s future
Community involvement played a crucial role in the project. LUC facilitated a sequence of workshops enabling Tubbercurry residents to share their perspectives and experiences concerning the town’s evolution.
Experts from the University of Strathclyde supported the team in ensuring the community played a central role in decision-making, within the framework of the EU-funded initiative ‘Demotec’.
Through a combination of face-to-face and virtual workshops, 42 innovative ideas surfaced.

Prioritising impactful ideas
Assisted by LUC, the community prioritised these ideas into a shortlist, ensuring that the most meaningful proposals found a place in the Tubbercurry Town Centre First Plan.
Nine shortlisted projects were developed in greater depth to better understand how far each met the community’s objectives accompanied by a narrative on cost, timeframe, impact, and funding.
The Town Team will be instrumental in the future governance of the Town Centre First Plan.