Ecological survey
What we offer
- Habitat & vegetation survey
- Protected species survey
- Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
- Biodiversity Net Gain
The service explained
Faced with a biodiversity crisis, it is even more critical to understand which habitat and species will be affected by a development. Our team of specialists is on hand to assess your project, ensuring a robust understanding from the outset.
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
We provide an efficient assessment of the ecological features present, or potentially present, on a site, to inform timelines for a proposed project. Our work identifies the potential ecological constraints of the proposed development, the need for further survey and/or likely mitigation and enhancement measures.

Biodiversity Net Gain
We collect baseline information to ensure Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) assessments offer the best possible opportunity to achieve meaningful enhancement.

Protected species survey
Our large team holds licenses for a range of protected species. We use efficient digital methods to capture baseline data, and are adept at working within the survey calendar to avoid project delays.

Get in touch
If you’re interested in discussing a project with us please get in touch.