Landscape character & sensitivity
What we offer
- Landscape Character Assessment
- Landscape Sensitivity Assessment
- Landscape Capacity Study
- Designated Landscape Assessment
- Opportunity Mapping
- Policy & research
The service explained
We are experts in understanding and assessing landscape and the pressures upon it, including the effects of climate change and associated mitigation measures. We promote a landscape-led approach to managing change, recognising the ecosystem services benefits that landscape provides.

Landscape Character Assessment
We developed the UK methodology for Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) in the early 2000s, and continue to deliver robust assessments at a range of scales, from national and regional studies to local and site-specific reports. Our assessments are increasingly used in net zero planning, for example for renewables or new woodland.

Landscape Sensitivity Assessment
We help local authorities target the right development to the right places, while also protecting and enhancing the natural environment and the important ecosystem services that it provides. Our assessments of landscape sensitivity and landscape quality guide appropriately placed new development.

Designated Landscape Assessment
We are experts in understanding and assessing landscapes and the pressures upon them. Many of our projects are focused on or located within designated landscapes, including supporting the managing bodies of protected landscapes.
Get in touch
If you’re interested in discussing a project with us please get in touch.

Landscape character & sensitivity projects
Wirral Local Landscape Designation Review
Wirral Metropolitan Borough CouncilHerefordshire Natural Environment Evidence Project
Herefordshire CouncilWelwyn Hatfield Local Plan Evidence
Welwyn Hatfield Borough CouncilCornwall State of the AONB Monitoring Report and Interactive Atlas
Cornwall National Landscape Team (formerly the Cornwall AONB Unit)