Landscape & open space management

What we offer

  • Landscape Management & Maintenance Plans (LMMPs)
  • Conservation Management Plans (CMPs)
  • Parkland plans
  • Greenspace audits
  • Open space strategies
  • Landscape maintenance specification & monitoring
  • Landscape management & governance
  • Access infrastructure

The service explained

We help guide the future of a wide array of landscapes, considering the impacts of climate change and the benefits of access. From managing historic parkland to improving urban open space, we hope to deliver a more sustainable future for both people and nature.

Landscape management & maintenance plans

Our experts work to understand the existing natural and cultural significance of sensitive sites. We paint the picture of a landscape's needs and challenges. Through careful research, we supply clients with management requirements and indicative costs of maintaining and enhancing these landscapes.


Conservation management plans

We deliver Conservation Management Plans to deliver biodiversity enhancements to valuable heritage assets. Our reports provide an understanding of the significance of heritage sites and principles and policies for the conservation of their significance.

Castle ruins

Open space strategies

LUC provides advice on the conservation, planning and management of publicly accessible open spaces. Strategic open space plans guide clients with the management of their open space networks. We also deliver robust, achievable and sustainable recommendations for improvements to open spaces.

Person on bridge

Get in touch

If you’re interested in discussing a project with us please get in touch.

Get in touch with Matthew Parkhill
Matthew Parkhill

Landscape & open space management projects