Local plan evidence
What we offer
- Growth options studies
- Green Belt studies
- Infrastructure Delivery Plans
- Strategic Housing & Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA)
- Green & Blue Infrastructure Studies
- Carbon & Climate Change Evidence
- Supplementary Planning Documents
- Landscape character & sensitivity assessments
The service explained
The local plan is the foundation of planning decisions for a local authority, and is informed by a range of assessments and studies. Our robust reports and supporting documents help ensure local plan developments are best for people, planet and nature.

Growth options studies & SHELAA
Our detailed methodology uses scalable geoprocessing models to assess hundreds of datasets. Our robust outputs enable local authorities to determine potential growth areas for housing and other development.

Green Belt studies
We assess the contribution of existing Green Belt, often in the context of sustainability goals or housing needs. Our work considers the potential harm of releasing it, and how it can be enhanced: to ensure resilience to climate change, for benefits to biodiversity and to improve health and wellbeing.

Infrastructure Delivery Plans
We identify the infrastructure requirements of an area to help councils deliver sustainable growth. The Plan sets out what is needed, when, and where, and includes social, physical and green infrastructure. It is an important tool in the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), ensuring infrastructure is in place to support new development.
Get in touch
If you’re interested in discussing a project with us please get in touch.

Local plan evidence projects
Cannock Chase Funding Options Appraisal
Cannock Chase National Landscape PartnershipManchester Green Belt
Greater Manchester Combined AuthoritySouth Hampshire Green Belt Designations Study
Partnership for South HampshireCentral Lancashire Green Belt and Other Open Land Designations Review
Chorley Council