Strategic planning & appraisal
What we offer
- Sustainability Appraisal/SEA
- Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
- Waste & minerals planning
- Planning policy support
- Neighbourhood planning
The service explained
Our expert team helps local authorities plan for a huge variety of land uses, in the context of the climate emergency. Our SA/SEA/HRA services have helped local authorities from across the UK to prepare sound plans, with no legal challenges to date.
Sustainability appraisal / SEA
Local authorities commission us to report on significant sustainability issues and the effects of their emerging plans and policies. Our work promotes sustainable development, helping to avoid or minimise the potential for adverse effects.

Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
We work at both the plan and project levels to protect internationally designated biodiversity sites in accordance with Habitats Regulations.

Planning policy support
We provide Local Plan management support and policy advice to planning policy teams at local authorities. We help facilitate bold regeneration visions as well as ensuring land use is appropriate for people, nature and place.

Get in touch
If you’re interested in discussing a project with us please get in touch.

Strategic planning & appraisal projects
Maidstone SA and HRA of Local Plan Review
Maidstone Borough CouncilCentral Bedfordshire Local Plan Supplementary Sustainability Appraisal
Central Bedfordshire CouncilGreater Cambridge Suite of Studies
Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District CouncilGloucestershire Assessment of Strategic Development Opportunities
Multiple authoritiesNorthampton Local Plan Part 2
Northampton Borough CouncilSalt Cross Garden Village
West Oxfordshire District Council