Diana Manson
Diana has more than 20 years’ experience gained in the UK and South Africa, and sits on LUC's Company Board. Diana has a particular interest in making information available and bringing planning to life through innovative use of data and technology.
Diana has a background in environmental science and has a passion for using GIS to support sustainable planning. She specialises in developing evidence for the preparation of local plans, on topics including open space, green infrastructure, renewables, low carbon, dark skies and tranquillity.
Diana has considerable experience of working on strategic or national studies involving large and complex datasets. This includes landscape and agri-environment scheme monitoring; often culminating in the development of online tools and interactive map-based outputs.
Favourite projects
All England Strategic Landscape Mapping Tool
Natural EnglandDark Skies Map for Natural Resources Wales
Natural Resources WalesFingal Coastal Risk and Priority Places
Fingal County CouncilNational Character Area Profiles – Online Platform & Database
Natural England