A Derbyshire landscape with cows grazing in the distance and a stone wall in the foreground

Future Landscapes

Sustainable change - resilient and adaptable landscapes

We welcome the government's recent launch of a consultation on a land use framework and a new, more strategic approach to managing land use in England.

Land is a finite resource and the many, often conflicting, demands on our landscape need to be considered together when we make decisions about landscape change. A multi-functional approach is key to making better decisions.

A Derbyshire landscape with foxglove flowers in the foreground and moors in the background

In 2024, LUC wrote Future Landscapes for Natural England, a scene-setting document that outlines how landscapes must evolve to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss, and the well-being crisis. It calls for decision-making around all forms of change and development to be rooted in an understanding of the landscape; how it evolved, how it functions, and how it is perceived and valued by people.

A Derbyshire landscape with blue skies and trees and fields. There is a railway viaduct in the midst

A multi-functional approach to land use is key to making better decisions, and Landscape Character Assessment is one of the tools that can guide positive landscape change.

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Katrina Davies

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