Golden wheat field with a distant city skyline in the background

Green Belt Paper: Insights from the Green Belt Summit 2024

Expert insights on balancing development and environmental protection in our latest Green Belt paper.

We are pleased to present the Green Belt Summit paper, co-authored by LUC and No5 Chambers Barristers. This comprehensive document captures the key discussions and insights from the Green Belt Summit held on 3 July 2024 in London.

The summit brought together leading experts to explore the evolving role of Green Belts in the UK, focusing on balancing development needs with environmental protection.

A mockup of the Green Belt Summit Paper, featuring the cover and an open spread. The cover displays the logos of LUC and No5 Chambers Barristers, with the title "Green Belt Summit Paper" and a simple illustration of a landscape. The open pages show a map of Green Belt areas in England and a page with text and an image of a natural landscape. The document is dated August 2024.
The newly released Green Belt Summit Paper by LUC and No5 Chambers, exploring the future of Green Belt policy.

The paper delves into crucial topics such as strategic planning, the significance of local plans, and the importance of Green Belts in addressing contemporary challenges. These challenges include climate change, biodiversity loss, housing shortages, health and well-being, and sustainable growth. By integrating perspectives from a diverse range of panellists, the report provides a well-rounded view of the future of Green Belt policy and practice.

As we face increasing pressure on land use, this paper aims to inform and guide future decisions. We hope it will foster a thoughtful conversation on how to shape the future of our Green Belt, ensuring that these vital spaces continue to benefit people, nature, and sustainable development.

Download the full paper below to explore these insights in detail.

Download Green Belt paper (PDF)

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