Rebecca Knight
Rebecca is a chartered landscape architect and Fellow of the Landscape Institute with over 25 years’ experience in landscape architecture and planning.
Her areas of expertise include landscape, townscape and visual impact assessment; preparation of evidence for public inquiry; advice on mitigation and design; landscape evidence for development plans; and management of designated landscapes and views. Many of her projects have won awards or commendations.
Rebecca regularly delivers advice and training on landscape issues; she has provided training for Natural England, renewable energy developers, Local Planning Authorities and the Planning Inspectorate.
Rebecca is a member of the Landscape Institute’s Technical Committee and is Chair of the ‘GLVIA’ Advisory Panel. She has authored guidance on LVIA, Residential Visual Amenity Assessment in EIA, Assessing landscape value outside national designations and was the Guest Editor for IEMA's Outlook Journal Volume 11: Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment.