Acton Gardens receives planning consent for Phases 9.3/5/6

LUC is delighted to announce that Acton Gardens has received planning consent for Phases 9.3/5/6 of the development.

Local councillors voted unanimously in favour, and noted the high quality of transformation that the regeneration project has produced. The decision was accompanied by positive feedback following an extensive public consultation.

LUC developed the landscape design strategy and carried out the site wide ecological assessment. These phases will deliver 215 mixed-tenure homes, of which 50% will be affordable (on a habitable room basis).

A key element of the new phases is the reconfiguration and enhancement of existing allotments, following extensive consultation and collaboration with allotment holders. This enlarged area will also incorporate micro plots, providing increased opportunities for residents to grow their own fruit and vegetables.

In 2018, the London Borough of Ealing granted outline planning permission for up to 1,950 mixed tenure family apartments and homes. The permission includes detailed proposals for the immediate delivery of 203 new homes as part of the £800m Acton Gardens regeneration programme. This mixed use residential scheme is being delivered through a partnership between L&Q and Countryside.

The masterplan includes an extensive open space network comprising three public parks, communal gardens, green streets and allotments.

Image attribution: Pollard Thomas Edwards

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