Major Oxford Brookes University redevelopment officially opened
The John Henry Brookes Building at Oxford Brookes University was officially opened by their newly inaugurated Chancellor Dr Katherine Grainger CBE on Friday. She was assisted by three former Chancellors – Dame Helena Kennedy, Jon Snow and Shami Chakrabarti. All praised the design and build quality and referenced the enormous step change in both image and facilities that the project provides.
Dr Grainger said “The official opening of the John Henry Brookes Building is another significant moment for the University and I know that it has already had a hugely positive impact on students, staff and the wider community”.
LUC was influential in this success working closely with both client and architects to produce a public realm of the highest quality and excellent synergy with the buildings. The £134m project has met with considerable acclaim and has already won an impressive array of awards.
Read more about LUC’s work at Oxford Brookes