a brick house with a chimney

Housing Development Planning Inquiry, Farnsfield

Historic environment evidence for planning inquiry
Nottinghamshire, England
Newark and Sherwood District Council

Supporting a proposed housing development

Newark and Sherwood District Council asked LUC to provide evidence on the historic environment effects of a proposed housing development.

This was part of their defence against a co-joined appeal against the refusal of outline consent for 20 dwellings in the village of Farnsfield in Nottinghamshire.

a field with trees and a dirt path

Sensitive evidence for a historic site

Farnsfield is a historic settlement which originated before the Norman Conquest.

The historic core of the village is designated as a Conservation Area, and many of the historic buildings are Grade II listed in their own right.

a field with houses in the background

Assessing heritage impact

Key issues to be addressed in the appeal were the impacts of the development on the heritage assets of St Michaels Church and the Conservation area as well the impacts on the character and appearance of the area that would make further development opportunities difficult to resist.

LUC’s carefully considered, robust evidence contributed to the appeal being dismissed by the Planning Inspector – supporting the Council’s original decision.

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