LUC sponsoring Place North West Lancashire Development Update

LUC Planning Director talks Climate Change at RTPI training course

Joanna Wright, one of our Directors of Environmental Planning, is pleased to have participated as a trainer in the Royal Town Planning Institute’s ‘Sustainable drainage systems and climate change’ course last week.

Joanna delivered the first presentation, aiming to educate participants on how climate change affects planning policy and development management. This was followed by a presentation from Paul Blackman from Wallingford Hydro Solutions, which described the Sustainable Drainage Systems framework and how to plan for effective urban drainage.

Joanna covered a number of topics including how to address adaptation to climate change, how it affects local communities and how to embed climate justice principles into urban planning.

Joanna is a specialist in EIAs, planning advice and appraisals with an MSc in Carbon Management and Climate Change. She has recently completed EIA climate change chapters for major mixed use and housing developments, sports stadia and renewable energy developments. Furthermore she authored a chapter in the new ICE EIA Handbook which was released last month.

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