Mark Fisk presents at Design Surrey Study Tour with Design South East
Mark Fisk, Director of Landscape Architecture at LUC, presented today at a Study Tour hosted by Design South East.
The tour provided an insight into the award-winning Rochester Riverside development, with which LUC has had extensive involvement. LUC joined the core design team and collaborated with architects and developers at both conceptual masterplan and detail level.
The event, titled: ‘Design Surrey Study Tour: Sustainable new development‘, featured a tour of the development, guest speakers and Q&A. It explored the delivery of volume housing schemes and setting high design and planning standards for local authorities and applicants. Attendees were also provided with access to an online resource library.
Speakers from BPTW architects, Countryside Properties, and Medway Council joined Mark, alongside local authority delegates and the event delivery team from Design South East.
LUC is now working on the delivery of the Rochester Riverside scheme, including construction packages and subsequent reserved matters applications. Construction is expected to be complete in 2029.
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