Planning consent granted for Upper Achintore Affordable Housing
LUC contributed to the detailed planning application for the Upper Achintore housing development in the Scottish Highlands. The application received consent from the Highland Council Southern Area Planning Committee in June.
Our Landscape Planning, Design, Ecology and GIS & Visualisation teams provided input.
The development will comprise 90% affordable housing, ranging from one-bedroom cottage flats to four-bedroom houses across the 22.7 hectare site.
The masterplan for up to 325 homes and associated infrastructure works is informed by our landscape and ecological work. The Phase 1 development, comprising 176 homes, was refined in response to the site’s topography, existing habitats and landscape setting.
LUC undertook the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment and Ecological Impact Assessment as part of the EIA for the proposals. This includes the preparation of visualisations to illustrate the Masterplan and Phase 1 development.
The report to the planning committee highlighted: “These applications provide an opportunity to help deliver this growth on a site with a long-standing allocation in the council’s development plan and a site identified in the Fort William 2040 masterplan.
“The delivery of affordable housing is a priority for the council and this site will deliver at least 287 affordable homes at a mix which meets current housing need and demand. The masterplanning exercise undertaken is commended and has addressed all infrastructure constraints on the site.”
LUC will assist with the discharging of conditions and development of the detailed landscape design proposals prior to construction starting later this year.
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